

19.04 Adi Brender and Michel Strawczynski, The EITC Program in Israel: employment effects and evidence on the differential impacts of Family vs. Individual-Income Based Design

19.03 Abigail Hurwitz, Orly Sade and Eyal Winter, Unintended Consequences of Minimum Annuity Laws: An Experimental Study

19.02 Ran Abramitzky , Victor Lavy and Maayan Segev, The Response of Skill Investment to Changes in the Skill Premium

19.01 Itay Saporta-Eksten, Ity Shurtz and Sarit Weisburd, Social Security, Labor Supply and Health of Older Workers: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from a Large Reform



18.07 Naomi Hausman,Entrepreneurs and City Growth

18.06  Avinatan Hassidim, Assaf Romm and Ran I. Shorrer, Need vs. Merit: The Large Core of College Admissions Markets 

18.05  David Atkin, Eve Colson-Sihra and Moses Shayo, How Do We Choose Our Identity? A Revealed Preference Approach Using Food Consumption

18.04  Itai Ater and Oren Rigbi, Informative Advertising and Consumer Search: Evidence from  a Price Transparency Regulation in Supermarkets

18.03  Avraham Ebenstein, The Nature versus Nurture Debate and the Direct Effect of Parental Influence: Evidence from the Israeli Kibbutz

18.02  Ran Abramitzky, Victor Lavy and Santiago Pérez, The Long-Term Spillover Effects of Changes  in the Return to Schooling

18.01  Itay Attar and Danny Cohen-Zada, The Effect of School Entrance Age on Educational Outcomes: Evidence Using Multiple Cutoff Dates and Exact Date of Birth



17.07   Einav Hart, Déborah Marciano and Eyal Winter, Groups, Group Members and Individuals: Choices and Impulses in Repeated Risky Decisions

17.06   Saul Lach,  Zvika Neeman, and Mark Schankerman, Government Financing of R&D: A Mechanism Design Approach

17.05   Naomi Hausman, University Innovation and Local Economic Growth

17.04   Assaf Patir, Securitization, Bank Vigilance, Leverage and Sudden Stops

17.03   Michael Bar, Moshe Hazan, Oksana Leukhina, David Weiss and Hosny Zoabi, Inequality and the Changing Role of Differential Fertility

17.01    Alon Eizenberg, Andras Pechy and Michelle Sovinsky, The Dynamics of Technology Adoption and Vertical  Restraints: An Empirical Analysis



16.06 Menachem (Meni) Abudy and Avi Wohl, Corporate Bond Trading on a Limit Order Book Exchange 

16.05  Itai Ater and Omri Gerlitz, Round Prices and Price Rigidity: Evidence from Outlawing Odd Prices  

16.04   Revital Bar and Asaf Zussman, Customer Discrimination: Evidence from Israel

16.03  Limor Hatsor and Ity Shurtz, The Importance of Consumer Trust: Evidence from Infant Formula in Israel

16.02  Victor Lavy and Edith Sand, On The Origins of Gender Human Capital Gaps: Short and Long Term Consequences of Teachers’ Stereotypical Biases

16.01  Victor Lavy, Analia Schlosser and Adi Shany, Out of Africa: Human Capital Consequences of In Utero Conditions



15.08  Yael Elster, Asaf Zussman and Noam Zussman, Rockets: The Housing Market Effects of a Credible Terrorist ThreatPaper

15.07  Alon Eizenberg, Saul Lach and Merav YiftachRetail Prices in a City: An Empirical Analysis

15.06  Eric D. Gould, Explaining the Unexplained: Residual Wage Inequality, Manufacturing Decline, and Low-Skilled Immigration

15.05   Danny Cohen-Zada, Yotam Margalit and Oren Rigbi, Does Religiosity Affect Support for Political Compromise?

15.04   Ity Shurtz, Amnon Brzezinski and Ayala Frumkin, The Impact of Age-Based Financing of Screening Tests on Utilization and Outcomes: The Case of Amniocentesis

15.03 Dan Ben-Moshe, Xavier D'Haultfoeuille and Arthur Lewbel, Identification of Additive and Polynomial Models of Mismeasured Regressors Without Instruments

15.02 Eric D. Gould and Esteban F. Klor, Party Hacks and True Believers: The Effect of Party Affiliation on Political Preferences

15.01 Victor Lavy, Avraham Ebenstein and Sefi Roth, The Long Run Human Capital and Economic Consequences of High-Stakes Examinations 



14.09 Alex Gershkov, Jianpei Li and Paul Schweinzer, How to Share it Out: The Value of Information in Teams

14.08 Moses Shayo and Asaf Zussman, Conflict and Persistence of Ethnic Bias

 14.07 Dror Goldberg and Saggi Katz, The Transition from Dollar to Shekel in the Israeli Real Estate Market

 14.06 Avraham Ebenstein, Prostitution, Sex Ratios, and Sexually Transmitted Infections in China 


14.05 Issi Romem and Ity Shurtz, The Accident Externality of Driving: Evidence from Observance of the Jewish Sabbath in Israel


A14.04 Nadav Halevi, Early Economic Research in Israel: the Falk Project


14.03 Dan Ben-Moshe, Identification of Dependent Nonparametric Distributions in a System of Linear Equations


14.02 Michael Beenstock, Dan Feldman and Daniel Felsenstein, Hedonic Pricing when Housing is Endogenous: The Value of Access to the Trans-Israel Highway


14.01 Eric D. Gould and Avi Simhon, Does Quality Time Produce Quality Children? Evidence on the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital using Parental Death



13.06 Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu and Xianwen Shi, Optimal Voting Rules

13.05 Eugene Kandel, Konstantin Kosenko, Randall Morck and Yishay Yafeh, Business Groups in the United States: A Revised History of Corporate Ownership, Pyramids and Regulation, 1930-1950

13.04 Yevgeny Mugerman, Moran Ofir and Zvi Wiener, How Homeowners Choose between Fixed and Adjustable Rate Mortgages

13.03 Michel Strawczynski, Cyclicality of Statutory Tax Rates 

13.02 Ity Shurtz, The Impact of Medical Errors on Physician Behavior: Evidence from Malpractice Litigation

13.01 Asaf Zussman, Ethnic Conflict and Segregation in the Marketplace: Evidence from Israel



 12.12 Al Slivinski and Nathan Sussman, Tax Administration and Compliance: Evidence from Medieval Paris

12.11 Victor Lavy, Expanding School Resources and Increasing Time on Task: Effects on Student’s Academic Achievements, and Non-cognitive Outcomes

12.10 Yuyu Chen, Avraham Ebenstein, Michael Greenstone, and Hongbin Li, The Health Consequences of Air Pollution on Birth Weight: Evidence from China’s Huai River Policy 

12.09 Eric D. Gould and Esteban F. Klor, The Long-Run Effect of 9/11: Terrorism, Backlash, and the Assimilation of Muslim Immigrants in the West

A12.08 Reuben Gronau, The Privatization of Social Services in Israel - Some Questions and Concerns (Hebrew)

12.07 Orly Sade, Roy Stein and Zvi Wiener, Israeli Treasury Auction Reform

12.06 Asaf Zussman, Ethnic Discrimination: Lessons from the Israeli Online Market for Used Cars

12.05 Haggay Etkes, The Impact of Employment in Israel on the Palestinian Labor Force

12.04 Eric D. Gould and Omer Moav, When is “Too Much” Inequality Not Enough? The Selection of Israeli Emigrants

12.03 Moshe Hazan and Hosni Zoabi, Sons or Daughters? Endogenous Sex Preferences and the Reversal of the Gender Educational Gap

A12.02 Sami Miaari, Asaf Zussman and Noam Zussman, Employment Restrictions and Political Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Hebrew and English)
Hebrew Paper,  English Paper

12.01 Alex Gershkov and Benny Moldovanu, Demand Uncertainty and Dynamic Allocation with Strategic Agents


11.08 Victor Lavy and Alexander Zablotsky, Mother's Schooling and Fertility under Low Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from a Natural Experiment


11.07 John H. Kagel, Hankyoung Sung and Eyal Winter, Veto Power in Committees: An Experimental Study
Abstract, Paper


11.06 Alon Eizenberg, Upstream Innovation and Product Variety in the U.S. Home PC Market


11.05 Nicholas Sambanis and Moses Shayo, Social Identification and Ethnic Conflict


11.04 Avraham Ebenstein, Moshe Hazan and Avi Simhon, Raising the Financial Costs of Children and Fertility Responses: Evidence from the Kibbutz
Abstract, Paper


11.03 Iddo Kan, Israel Finkelshtain and Yoav Kislev, A Two-Pronged Control of Natural Resources: Prices and Quantities with Lobbying
Abstract, Paper


11.02 Yosi Djivre and Yossi Yakhin, Business Cycles in Israel, 1987-2010: The Facts 


11.01 Ran Abramitzky and Victor Lavy, How Responsive is Investment in Schooling to Changes in Returns? Evidence from an Unusual Pay Reform in Israel's Kibbutzim 


10.08 Shai Bernstein and Eyal Winter, Contracting with Heterogeneous Externalities


10.07 Reuben Gronau, The Israeli Railroad: Road Jam Panacea? (Hebrew)


10.06 Victor Lavy and Analia Schlosser, Mechanisms and Impacts of Gender Peer Effects at School


10.05 Alex Gershkov and Motty Perry, Contracts for Providers of Medical Treatments 


10.04 Economic Growth in Israel: 2 papers (Hebrew) paper

Shay Tzur and Noam Zussman, The Contribution of Vocational High School  Studies to Educational  Achievement and Success in the Labor Market

Guy Navon and Ronni Frish, The Effect of Israel's Encouragement of Capital Investments in Industry Law on Product, Employment, and Investment: an Empirical Analysis of Micro Data


10.03 Asaf Zussman and Moses Shayo, Judicial Ingroup Bias in the Shadow of Terrorism 


10.02 Avraham Ebenstein, The Consequences of Industrialization: Evidence from Water Pollution and Digestive Cancers in China 


A10.01 Ruth Klinov, Financing Primary and Lower Secondary Schools 2003-2008 (Hebrew)    